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Consult instructions for use Caution, refer to safety-related notes in the instructions for use accompanying this product. The myth: If you have diabetes, you can't eat sweets or sugar. The truth: A food doesn't have to be sweet or sugary to raise your blood sugar. Anything with carbohydrates will affect your blood glucose, whether it's from white potatoes, pasta, bread or Jelly Tots.1 Consult the Accu-Chek® Portion Plate for guidance.
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• Home use of the ACCU‑CHEK Aviva Expert system is limited to capillary whole blood testing. 45703_adv.indb 1 10/23/09 12:35:52 PM If the AGCO sounds like a place where you would like to work, check out our current job opportunities. View Jobs (external link) COVID-19 and the AGCO. Our response to the pandemic says a lot about our organization as a people-focused leader, and our emphasis on the safety and security of all our staff. The Accu-Chek Active blood glucose meter The Accu‑Chek Active blood glucose meter is intended to be used for quantitative blood glucose tests in fresh capillary blood.
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