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Offentlig upphandling av Stockholms universitet Pabliq

Nonlinear optical effects that would alter the frequency spectrum of an ultrashort pulse are not considered. The YFOA femtosecond fiber laser is designed for stable generation of an ultra-short laser pulse train. The device contains Yb-doped active fiber, pump diodes, polarization control and dispersion control elements, electronic power supply and control system. 2017-08-19 DOI: 10.1002/sia.6545 Corpus ID: 104921418. Observation of spider silk by femtosecond pulse laser second harmonic generation microscopy @article{Zhao2019ObservationOS, title={Observation of spider silk by femtosecond pulse laser second harmonic generation microscopy}, author={Yue Zhao and Y. Li and K. T. T. Hien and G. Mizutani and H. Rutt}, journal={Surface and Interface Analysis}, year={2019 2007-05-01 An asymmetric β-sheet structure of spider silk is said to induce optical second harmonic generation.

Spider femtosecond

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Spider silk is a tough, elastic and lightweight biomaterial, although there is a lack of tools available for non-invasive processing of silk structures. Here we show that nonlinear multiphoton interactions of silk with few-cycle femtosecond pulses allow the processing and heterostructuring of the material in ambient air. 02.09.2019 TiF-100ST-F6 femtosecond Ti:S oscillator with Frep locking for multiphoton microscopy at CANDLE, Armenia. The TiF-100ST-F6 femtosecond Ti:S oscillator with a built-in pump laser, also equipped with the ALock PLL electronics unit for pulse repetition rate locking to an external RF source has been installed at the Synchrotron Research Institute’s CANDLE facility in Armenia. Several years later, another femtosecond-pulse-intensity-and-phase measurement technique emerged, called spectral interferometry for direct electric-field reconstruction (SPIDER), which retrieves the pulse spectral phase by interfering two pulse replicas up-converted to slightly different center frequencies.

Yimei Huang 1, 2, Harvey Lui 1, 2, Jianhua Zhao 1, 2, Zhenguo Wu 1, 2, Haishan Zeng 1, 2 . 1.

Electrophysiological Characterization of GFP-Expressing Cell

The RP Photonics Buyer's Guide contains 32 suppliers for pulse characterization instruments. Among them: Sphere Ultrafast Photonics. The d-cycle is a compact system for the comprehensive characterization (full electric field) of ultrafast laser pulses.

Träning förbättrar motorunderskott och förbättrar

Spider femtosecond

When threatened, most animals, spiders included, exhibit what is known as the  21 Jan 2014 Scientists returned to the Amazon rainforest in December to collect data on one of their biggest finds of 2012: a spider that uses insect corpses  3.2 Chirped pulse amplification.

2017-01-01 The Compact LX Spider by APE is a portable, compact and robust instrument for spectral and temporal characterization of femtosecond laser pulses. It is the ideal candidate for Ti:Sa laser applications and other ultrashort pulse oscillators or amplifiers in the wavelength range 750 – 900 nm. The technique, spectral phase interferometry for direct electric-field reconstruction (SPIDER), measures the interference between a pair of spectrally sheared replicas of the input pulse. Direct (noniterative) inversion of the interferogram yields the electric field of the input pulse without ambiguity. LX Spider is a highly compact instrument for the characterization of femtosecond laser pulses in the range of 16 … 200 fs.
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3 Red curves indicate intensity, blue phase, green spectrum, and purple spectral phase.

In this paper, using an in‐house nonscanning type femtosecond pulse laser second harmonic generation microscope, we characterized the behavior of the β‐sheet of spider silk under an applied external force.
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An asymmetric β‐sheet structure of spider silk is said to induce optical second harmonic generation. In this paper, using an in‐house nonscanning type femtosecond pulse laser second harmonic generation microscope, we characterized the behavior of the β‐sheet of spider … SPIDER: Spectral Phase Interferometry for Direct Electric- eld Reconstruction Iaconis and Walmsley, IEEE. JQE 35, 501 (1999) 13 / 28 Techniques for Characterizing Radially Polarized Femtosecond Pulses for Direct Laser Electron Acceleration 2004-09-01 2006-04-15 SPIDER can directly extract the spectral phase and reconstruct the pulse waveform; it is therefore suitable for accurate and fast measurement of ultrashort optical pulses, especially for femtosecond optical pulses. In this paper, we introduce a new spectral phase retrieval technique for accurate waveform reconstruction of femtosecond optical An asymmetric β‐sheet structure of spider silk is said to induce optical second harmonic generation.

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1. Imaging Unit - Integrative Oncology Department, BC Cancer Agency Research Center, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Electrophysiological Characterization of GFP-Expressing Cell

SPIDER and FROG measurements are compared for one stable and two unstable trains of pulses. 3 Red curves indicate intensity, blue phase, green spectrum, and purple spectral phase.

Brenda Irene Medina Non-thermal heating of matter with femtosecond X-ray lasers. Nicusor  capsulorhexis, femtosecond laser-assisted capsulotomy and selective laser capsulotomy 225 dagar, Norrskensraketen Spider-2 lyfte från Esrange. Contact person: Magdalena Pers Färjemark Institution/similar: SPIDER. Ti: sapphire-based femtosecond lasers with powerful and stable laser pulses that  Surface structuring of fused silica with asymmetric femtosecond laser pulse bursts For this Spider diagnostic for short pulse characterization at phelix. Single-Shot Diffractive Imaging with a Table-Top Femtosecond Soft read more - Structural Biology Labs · Modeling of soft X-ray induced ablation in solids.