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SPP is part of the Storebrand Group, a lead- ing player in the Nordic market for  The Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) is an international financial institution of the André Küüsvek (Estonia) is the first NIB president from a Baltic member country. of our #lending activities, #Covid19 response, #environmental & lopment in our cities and regions in the Nordic Baltic Space. It involves 39% of Riga's territory consists of blue-green structures (rec- reation (Green bonds). 6 mar 2020 A gennaio 2019, la Nordic Investment Bank ha emesso i Nordic-Baltic Blue Bond, devoluti a progetti di prevenzione dell'inquinamento delle  Mobility trends between the Baltic and Nordic states and different Employment on the basis of the EU blue card played a minor role in this bonds with Latvia. If the inhabitants of Northern Europe (Scandinavia and the Baltics) 6000 years ago were blue-eyed but had dark skin and dark hair, how, when and why did the   Blue Vision A 1 Shares listed on Nasdaq Nordic.

Nordic baltic blue bond

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Jan 25, 2019 Folksam, AMF and AP3 are among Swedish pension funds investing in a five- year “blue bond” issued by the Nordic Investment Bank (NIB),  FAO's. Blue Growth Initiative. Blue nance guidance notes. Blue bonds fisheries include the Seychelles Blue.

The AIR_BALTIC program at BAC is realized with support from Nordic Culture Point in the framework of Nordic​  The Nordic–Baltic Blue Bond is specifically aimed at investors that are conscious of the challenges facing the region’s water resources, especially those affecting the Baltic Sea”, says Mr Eibeholm. “It gives investors the opportunity to directly target water-related projects that address these challenges.” On October 6th, the NIB launched a new SEK1.5 billion five-year blue bond aimed at financing projects within water management and protection in the Baltic sea. The bond pays a 0.1% annual coupon.

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For viewing other markets or segments, please use the links in the right column. The Nordic Investment Bank is the international financial institution of the Nordic and Baltic countries with the headquarters in Helsinki, Finland. Our lending  In the Baltic Sea, and particularly in the Bothnian Bay, there is a slow recovery bond between people and nature and are a major reason for the persistence, and in salmon farmed in the Norwegian fjords), shell fish farming (e.g.

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Nordic baltic blue bond

The 5-year USD 213 million bond is focused on financing projects in water pollution prevention, wastewater treatment, and water-related climate change adaption. The bond offering 0.375% coupon was oversubscribed more than two times. On 24 January 2019, NIB traded its first Nordic–Baltic Blue Bond.

Through the Baltic Sea bond, 2019-01-24 18:30 CET SPP invests in Baltic Blue Bond On Thursday the Nordic Investment Bank issued a Baltic Blue Bond. It is the first blue bond in the market with funding earmarked according to THE INAUGURAL Nordic-Baltic Blue Bond from the Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) scooped the use of proceeds innovation award for a green bond, with the judges lauding the specialised water management product design which was In the latest iteration of Green Voices of Nasdaq, we shine a light on how the Nordic Investment Bank is working to protect water resources and more in the region through green – and blue – bonds. 2020-03-30 · THE INAUGURAL Nordic-Baltic Blue Bond from the Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) scooped the use of proceeds innovation award for a green bond, with the judges lauding… Sustainability bond of the year - supranational, sub-sovereign and agency (SSA) - New South Wales Treasury Corporation The proceeds of the Nordic–Baltic Blue Bond will go to support the bank’s lending to selected water management and protection projects, NIB said. Launched as a SEK2bn (€195m) deal, the issue’s final order book reached over SEK3.2bn, with 21 accounts participating, the bank said. Baltic Blue Bond is the first completely blue bond on the market where the investments are allocated according to the Green Bond Principles. The total investment of SEK 2 billion, where Swedbank Robur was the largest investor, will be used for water treatment projects, protection of groundwater, storm and flood protection and for restoring the marine ecosystem in the region.
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“With over 70 branches in the Baltics, DNB have created a dynamic and customer-centric operation. First North (Baltic MTF) Nasdaq First North is a multilateral trading facility (MTF), also known as an Alternative Market, operated by the different exchanges within Nasdaq. It does not have the legal status of an EU regulated market. The report Nordic and Baltic Public Sector Green Bonds has a specific focus on the role of local governments, municipally owned companies (MOCs), state-owned enterprises (SOEs), and Local Government Funding Agencies (LGFAs) and along with Scandinavian nations includes Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in its scope.

Blue Bond. The five‑year SEK 2 billion bond was  FAO's. Blue Growth Initiative.
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The bond offering 0.375% coupon was oversubscribed more than two times. On 24 January 2019, NIB traded its first Nordic–Baltic Blue Bond. The five-year SEK 2 billion 2020-10-07 · We are very proud to have participated in this important transaction supporting water measures in the Nordic-Baltic region.” “I would like to congratulate NIB on a successful second SEK blue bond transaction,” Linda Lindblad, Head of SSA Origination at Swedbank added. the Baltic Sea. Nordea AM is thus thrilled to participate in NIB’s Nordic-Baltic Blue bond supporting projects that directly target water related investments in the Baltic Sea.” Ola Björkman, Portfolio Manager at Robur Asset Management, comments: “We are happy to follow up on our previous The new Nordic-Baltic Blue Bond is targeted at investors who want to help protect the sensitive marine environment in the Baltic Sea. The money will be used for projects related to sewage management, reducing water pollution and water-related measures coupled to climate change.

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NIB bonds offer a long-term investment opportunity in a stable, highly rated  May 17, 2019 Q1 2019 issuance in green, social, and sustainability bonds has NIB issued its first Nordic-Baltic blue bond in January 2019 (SEK 2bn,  On Thursday the Nordic Investment Bank issued a Baltic Blue Bond. It is the first blue bond in the market with funding earmarked according to the Green Bond  Den nordisk-baltiska blå obligationen (Nordic-Baltic Blue Bond) riktar sig speciellt till investerare som är medvetna om de utmaningar som  Exempelvis kan det handla om vattenrening eller vattenrelaterade klimatprojekt. Obligationen, som av NIB döpts till Nordic–Baltic Blue Bond,  Den nya obligationen Nordic-Baltic Blue Bond vänder sig till sig till investerare som vill bidra till att skydda den känsliga marina miljön i  The Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) is an international financial institution of the André Küüsvek (Estonia) is the first NIB president from a Baltic member country. with NEB proceeds: 96 with #EnvironmentalBonds and 14 with #BlueBonds. I slutet av januari gav Nordic Investment Bank ut världens första blå Nordic-Baltic Blue Bond är det första blå bindandet på marknaden som  As a reliable partner to dental professionals, Kulzer provides products and services that help our customers restore patient's oral health.

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The Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) on Thursday traded its first Nordic-Baltic Blue Bond, a five-year, 2-billion-Swedish-kronor bond launched under the NIB Environmental Bond Framework that will focus on investments within water resource management and protection, said NIB. The NIB Nordic-Baltic Blue Bond has been issued under NIB’s Environmental Bond Framework, the use of proceeds from the transaction will be allocated to a separate account for onward disbursement Since then, Nordic Investment Bank, the international financial institution of the Nordic and Baltic countries, launched a “Nordic-Baltic Blue Bond” in January raising SEK2 billion for projects such as wastewater treatment, prevention of water pollution and water-related climate change adaptation.

Comprising the Nordic covered bond markets in their entirety is beyond the scope of the limited space within this Handbook.