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KI DONATUM Karolinska UPPMAX (Uppsala Multidisciplinary Center for Advanced Computational Science) is Uppsala University's resource of high-performance computers, large-scale KI Science Park i Flemingsberg får ny adress från årsskiftet. Efter nyår går flyttlasset till Novum-huset vid Hälsovägen. Nu förbättrar vi förutsättningarna för uppfinnare med goda idéer inom life science. KI Innovations kan nu med stöd från Vinnovas My research colleagues.
Web of Science ResearcherID is now on Publons. Publons is the new environment where you can benefit from the improved Web of Science ResearcherID, add your publications, track your citations, and manage your Web of Science record. Log in with your usual details to see your ResearcherID profile on Publons. Clinical Science and Education, Södersjukhuset Located at Södersjukhuset the department has approximately 50 employees, whereof 7 professors, 80 PhD student and 140 affiliated researchers. Clinical Neuroscience We conduct research and teaching regarding the function of the brain - from a molecular level to the effect on society.
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This overview video outlines entering Manuscript Matcher from EndNote to find appropriate journals for your manuscript submission. For more information on Web of Science and Journal Citation Reports: • For academics, individuals, and The ISI Web of Science is the Web interface providing access to: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED) - 1955-present Journal list Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) - 1956-present Journal list Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) - 1975-present Journal list Web of Science provides researchers the navigational and retrieval functions only possible through the powerful Web of Science consists of records from scholarly journals, conference proceedings, and books in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities. Tillgänglig för Göteborgs universitet. Tillgänglig för alla från bibliotekens datorer Till Web of science Web of Science Beta Ki Science. 1.8K likes.
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The primary aim of the Karolinska Institutet/Region Stockholm bibliometric database is to provide high quality bibliometric analyses for Karolinska Institutet/Region Stockholm. I Sverige står KI för den enskilt största andelen av den medicinska akademiska forskningen och har det största utbudet av medicinska utbildningar. KI:s studenter bloggar om sina program. KI:s studenter bloggar om sina program. Clinical Science and Education, Södersjukhuset Located at Södersjukhuset the department has approximately 50 employees, whereof 7 professors, 80 PhD student and 140 affiliated researchers.
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List Homi Bhabha. At TIFR, we carry out basic research in physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, computer science and science education.
Mikrobiologi, tumör- och cellbiologi Bedriver forskning inom immunologi, infektion och cancer. Get Started with Web of Science. This series of videos will help you get started using the key features of the Web of Science. Learn how to create a profile, begin a search and manage your results. The ISI Web of Science is the Web interface providing access to: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED) - 1955-present Journal list Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) - 1956-present Journal list Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) - 1975-present Journal list Web of Science provides researchers the navigational and retrieval functions only possible through the powerful Find out all about WoS and why you should use it to find resources for your essays. 2021-04-02 · Also, in cases where there is overlap between databases on the Web of Science platform--let's say the same article is indexed in Web of Science Core Collection, Medline, and BIOSIS Citation Index--a search at the All Databases level provides additional value by letting you quickly access the article's metadata from each of those databases on the platform.