Graduate trainee Jobs in Sweden Glassdoor


1. Cecilia Lundin, SVP People & Brand, Telia Company

Spara. CEO Trainee/Assistant. Office Manager. EQT The Pace VD-assistent. Telia Executive Assistant. Executive Assistant CEO Trainee/Assistant. Office Manager.

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Henrik also has extensive experience as a  Our. leadership. Jens. Rundskvist. CEO. Managing. Director · Nils.

This position offers a unique opportunity of getting valuable insights of how to run the biggest Telco in Sweden. Telia Company adopts Science Based Targets .

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Nuorten ammattilaisten kotipesä. Meillä toimii aktiivinen vastavalmistuneiden ja nuorten osaajien verkosto Telia Young Talents eli TYT, joka järjestää hauskoja tapahtumia niin työpaikalla kuin sen ulkopuolellakin.

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Telia ceo trainee

Executive Assistant CEO Trainee/Assistant. Office Manager. Dennelind startade på Telia Company som trainee 1990. Han var VD för Läst 7 maj 2017. ^ [a b] Johan Eric Dennelind President and CEO, TeliaSonera. Telia Company AB, Nätverksansvarig · Solna. Publicerad: 03 27 dagar kvar.

As the CEO Sweden Trainee you will work directly with Anders and his leadership team on diverse, exciting and often complex tasks. Your role will expose you to work and decision making around business execution, strategy, operations, corporate steering, telecommunication technology, IT etc.
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Meillä toimii aktiivinen vastavalmistuneiden ja nuorten osaajien verkosto Telia Young Talents eli TYT, joka järjestää hauskoja tapahtumia niin työpaikalla kuin sen ulkopuolellakin. Tutustu toimintaan. I Telia er der ikke langt mellem vores direktion, ledere og medarbejdere.

Publicerad: 03 februari. 10 dagar kvar. CEO Trainee.
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Dennelind startade på Telia Company som trainee 1990. Han var VD för Läst 7 maj 2017. ^ [a b] Johan Eric Dennelind President and CEO, TeliaSonera. Telia Company AB, Nätverksansvarig · Solna.

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Our goal is to make Telia better for customers, employees, owners and societies in the Nordics and the Baltics. 2020-08-20 · I returned to Telia Carrier again back in 2014 on the data side, running what was then our business product line. Then, in 2016 when the previous CEO was asked to go to a different position within Telia Company, I was asked to take over Telia Carrier.

1. Cecilia Lundin, SVP People & Brand, Telia Company

CEO (VD) på Castra Group | Med Sveriges mest nöjda konsulter, så uträttar vi stordåd för våra kunder! Trainee. Handelsbanken. Mar 2011 - Aug 2011 6 months. Uppsala, Sweden Senior Vice President, Head of Brand på Telia. you make friends.” Peter Hellgren, CEO Consid AB I started at Consid in Gothenburg in September 2018 and I have been at Telia TV up until today. As they  Network Support to Telia.

Johanna Berlinde, Customer Service and Delivery Stein-Erik Vellan has been appointed as the new CEO of Sonera. He has a long background in the telecommunications business and will become a member of Telia Company’s group executive management as of 1 January 2017. The 51 year old Stein-Erik Vellan has for the last 15 years worked in different management positions within the telecommunications Johan Dennelind, CEO of Swedish telco group Telia Company, had decided to call it a day after six years at the helm. Dennelind has a 12-month notice period, however, so he’s going nowhere in a hurry.