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Bild 1 - Barnklinikdagarna 2014
av C Betten · Citerat av 3 — med 20 % då kvinnor med milda symptom exkluderas (11). Andra förklaringar till kinesiophobia, and depressive symptoms. Eur Spine J2010 postpartum lumbopelvic pain on disability, pain intensity, health-related quality of life, activity level, kinesiophobia, and depressive symptoms. av M Håkanson · Citerat av 17 — movements are addressed as a whole and without focusing on symptoms [18]. M., Kinesiophobia - various aspects of moving with musculosceletal pain,. and their association with depressive symptoms, 495 de Menezes, K.K.P. Hurri, H.: Finnish version of the Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia: Reference values in 10 Psykologisk inflexibilitet större betydelse än symptom Långvarig smärta efter EJP, 2006) Acceptance > kinesiophobia to explain disability (Wicksell et al., ”Gender difference in symptoms related to temporomandibular disorders in a ”The Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia for Temporomandibular Disorders av U Moritz · 2007 · Citerat av 1 — Tampa scale for kinesiophobia from a physiotherapeutic perspec- tive.
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Patients who were classified into the Organic group experienced the most kinesiophobia out of all three groups (p = 0.007). symptoms (Edinburgh postnatal Depression Scale) and kinesiophobia (Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia). Women were classified into lumbopelvic pain subgroups according to mechanical assessment of the lumbar spine, pelvic pain provocation tests, standard history, and pain drawings. Multiple linear regression analysis was performed to explain the variance För att undersöka en potentiell korrelation mellan TMD, katastrofiering, kinesofobi och fysiska symptom användes följande instrument: Pain Catastrophizing Scale, Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia, The Patient Health Questionnaire och Areas of Pain.
On this basis, it is need for further study with high level of evidence.
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There was a positive, low-moderate correlation between catastrophizing and kinesiophobia for participants with TMD pain (r = 0.37, p <0.001) and non-painful TMD (r = … kinesiophobia and other symptoms related to osteoporosis. We. found that clinical Pilates exercises had positi ve effects on kinesi-ophobia, pain, functional status and quality of life in patients symptom-related information was entered into the model, the effect of kinesiophobia did not reach statistical significance (P=0.089). Conclusions: Although a higher score on the TSK-DV was found to be associated with a longer duration of neck symptoms, information on early kinesiophobia … However, significant improvements were observed in the Kinesio Tape group, with regard to joint position sense, pain, kinesiophobia, symptoms, and functional limitations after treatment. Examination of the differences between pre- and post-treatment values in both groups revealed that the Kinesio Tape group demonstrated greater improvements compared to the placebo Kinesio Tape group.
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It is a term used in the context of rehabilitation medicine and physical therapy. Kinesiophobia is a factor that hinders rehabilitation and actually prolongs disability and pain.
Pain Manag.
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[Conclusion] Although short-term kinesio tape application did not increase hamstring muscle strength, it may have improved joint position sense, pain, kinesiophobia, symptoms, and daily limitations. In a regression model without symptom-related variables, kinesiophobia was found to be related to a longer duration of neck symptoms (P = 0.001). However, when symptom-related information was entered into the model, the effect of kinesiophobia did not reach statistical significance (P = 0.089).
i rörelserädsla (Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia), smärtattityd (Survey of Pain mentala domänen) samt färre depressiva symptom, mindre oro och högre tillit
Physical activity, respiratory symptoms, lung function and functional capacity during the first year after pulmonary embolism. Medverkande. Jenny Danielsbacka
Female gender, higher BMI and greater baseline symptoms were associated scale of Kinesiophobia questionnaire was used to examine fear of movement. FORTE 2014-2822, travelling grant: “Work ability and kinesiophobia among ability index and the single-item question: associations with sick leave, symptoms,
av B Rundqvist — musculoskeletal symptoms--a prospective study.
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14.2. Självrapportering av symptom . För utvärdering av rörelserädsla rekommenderas Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia (TSK-SV). (198).
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Patientens enskilda symptom ses ur ett TSK (8);Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia Patienter med kinesiofobi erfor i högre utsträckning symptom, så som illamående Steineck G, Bäck M. Kinesiophobia and its relation to symptoms and physical Prevalence and structure of symptoms . Marianne Lannsjö IASP Poster - Work ability and kinesiophobia among patients with persistent pain. Poster gjord av lumbopelvic pain on disability, pain intensity, healthrelated quality of life, activity level, kinesiophobia, and depressive symptoms.
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Pain Manag. 1990; 35-43 activities than healthy people [8]. Studies of kinesiophobia as a cause of physical activity avoidable in individuals with COPD with differing severity of respiratory symptoms is limited [9-11]. The relationship of kinesiophobia in different phenotypes of COPD has not been investigated.