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Bolaget är ett aktiebolag som varit aktivt sedan 2008. Advokatfirman Nordia Service AB omsatte 29 159 000 kr senaste räkenskapsåret (2019). Advokatfirman Nordia Service AB - Org.nummer: 5567431050. Vid senaste bokslut 2019 hade företaget en omsättningsförändring på -3,2%. Fördelningen i styrelsen är 75,0 % män (3), 25,0 % kvinnor (1) .
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Stockholm SE-107 24. Sweden. Tel +46 8 563 08 100. Fax +46 8 563 08 101. Web Per Lindell is an attorney serving Stockholm.
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jan 1987 – okt 1988 1 år 10 månader Advokatfirman Vinge > Firm Profile. The firm: Established as a result of a merger between a number of leading Swedish firms in 1983, Advokatfirman Vinge KB (‘Vinge’) is one of the largest firms in Scandinavia today, with some 300 lawyers in seven Swedish and overseas offices. View the profiles of professionals named "Philip Hedberg" on LinkedIn. There are 7 professionals named "Philip Hedberg", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities.
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We are a Nordic law firm with a simple business concept : to create value for you.
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Box 70389 107 24 STOCKHOLM Sverige … Advokatfirman Nordia KB. anställda. Advokatfirman Nordia Service AB. 36 anställda. Karta . Kungsbron 1, 111 22 Stockholm.
Or simply want to know the steps to follow to avoid any type of legal problem? Counting on their help, you might get to solve essential matters in a short time. Advokatfirman NORDIA KB In Sweden, the Trademarks Act 1877/2010 sets out the framework for trademark protection. The legislation is based on the EU Trademark Directive (2008/95/EC), which has direct effect in Sweden.
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Advokatfirman NORDIA KB In Sweden, the Trademarks Act 1877/2010 sets out the framework for trademark protection. The legislation is based on the EU Trademark Directive (2008/95/EC), which has direct effect in Sweden. NORDIA Law | 1,083 followers on LinkedIn. We are a Nordic law firm with a simple business concept : to create value for you.
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Advokatfirman Guide är en advokatbyrå med särskild inriktning på brottmål Advokatfirman Guide, Stockholm, Sweden. 502 likes. Advokatfirman Guide är en advokatbyrå med särskild inriktning på brottmål Advokatfirman Guide, Stockholm, Sweden. 501 likes. Advokatfirman Guide är en advokatbyrå med särskild inriktning på brottmål Hellström Advokatbyrå KB. Stockholm Advokatfirman NORDIA. Stockholm Full-Service Business Law Firm in Stockholm & Göteborg, Sweden. Phone Foyen Advokatfirma AB, Stockholm, Eva Forsberg, Advokatfirman Nordia KB, Advokatbyrå KB, Stockholm, Matilda Gustafsson, Advokatfirman Vinge KB, 21 Dec 2017 Advokatfirman NORDIA KB. In Sweden, the The Patent and Market Court was established in 2016 and is located in Stockholm.
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Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton Advokat KB, Associate (2020 – ). Nacka tingsrätt, Tingsnotarie (2019 – 2020). Advokatfirman Nordia KB Hitta information om Advokatfirman Nordia Kommanditbolag.
Advokatfirman NORDIA KB. Box 70389. 107 24 Stockholm. KSnr.