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Synchro regulates skin functions and restores its natural defence system. It is beneficial for all skin types, from oily to very dry and sensitive. It can be used around the eyes, the face and the body. Synchro is the most important cream from the whole Gernétic range as it provides all the essential nutrients to assist skin cells to be nourished and regenerated.

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This is a classic combination of the Nourishing cream Synchro and the Stimulative mask Immuno. Regenerating and Nutritive Cream.

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The appearance  This cream is a real anti-aging jewel. Its innovative active ingredients boost cell growth and at the same time reduce wrinkles, crow's feet and dark circles under  Buy Gernetic Synchro Cream 50ml at Desertcart. Reviews.
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103 global ratings. Restores skin  Product Details · Similar Products · Related Products · Customer Ratings · Review this product · Customer Reviews · Write Your Own Reviews. I have used Synchro cream for years! This is the only cream who can deliver the results it claims.

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SKU: Be the first to review “SYNCHRO 2000 ILUMINATING MOISTURE CREAM” Cancel reply. Cytobi induces tissue regeneration and revitalisation keeping the skin healthy and radiant. Cytobi also aleviate a number of skin problems linked to inflammation and redness. Its healing and calming actions make it ideal as an anti-inflammatory cream. It also contains antiseptic, antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties.

Gernetic Anti Age combination of Synchro and Myo Myoso Synchro is a cellular biological nutritious cream that makes your skin wrinkle resistant. Its name comes from Synchronization (action of making two or several elements act together so as to intensify the results). Myo Myoso: Specific cream for firming, wrinkles, lines, sagging skin. Buy Gernetic Synchro Cream Regulating face care 30ml 1.0oz at Desertcart. FREE Delivery Across Cayman Islands. FREE Returns.