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Dimensions & Weights. Wheelbase, 2725 mm. Length, 4478 mm. Width, 1739 mm. 3 days ago Euro 6; WLTP; RDE; FAQs. SMMT_Euro_6_15x15 What is Euro 6?
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CHRA, $350.00 NEW IN STOCK, MADE IN USA. Turbo Model, GT1749V. Engine, M47 TUD20, M47 TU Euro 4.
5) in 2002, the model with 4-door sedan body and Line-4 1995 cm3 / 121.8 cui engine size, 110 kW / 150 PS / 148 hp (ECE) of power, 330 Nm / 243 lb-ft of torque, 5-speed manual powertrain for Europe. BMW M47 Engine Technical specifications 1998 to 2003 BMW 3 Series (E46) 2,0D 320d Output: 100 (136hp) No. of cylinders 4/DOHC Capacity 1951 cc Compression ratio 19.0:1. Injection system Make Bosch Fuel/injection pump Type VP44 Pump type Rotary Injection sequence 1-3-4-2 Crankshaft position 0°BTDC Oil temperature 70°C Maximum cranking amps 216-264
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