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We’re a talented team of software experts, passionate about Erlang and with an unwavering belief in the De senaste tweetarna från @ErlangSolutions Download Visual Studio Community, Professional, and Enterprise. Try Visual Studio IDE, Code or Mac for free today. Erlang Solutions. A talented team of software experts building solutions for issues of scale, reliability and performance. We are passionate about Erlang & Elixir and have an unwavering belief in the open source fu 1- erlang 2- yum erlang 3- erlang solutions 4- download otp 5- how to install latest erlang r15b02 in ubuntu 6- ejabbered horizontal 7- mongoose for ubuntu 64 bit 8- erlang centos 6.4 9- mongooseim source code 10- mongooseim 出现“Erlang (SMP,ASYNC_THREADS) (BEAM) emulator version 10.5”信息则证明安装成功了。 posted @ 2019-09-25 13:47 守望雲影 阅读( 10520 ) 评论( 4 ) 编辑 收藏 刷新评论 刷新页面 返回顶部 Erlang Solutions | 6,526 followers on LinkedIn. We build transformative solutions for the world’s most ambitious companies. We're hiring!

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Development Tools downloads - Erlang by Erlang Software and many more programs are available for instant and free download. 1. Remove previous Erlang versions/packages: $ sudo apt-get purge erlang esl-erlang erlang-base erlang-crypto erlang-eldap erlang-inets erlang-mnesia erlang-os-mon $ sudo apt-get autoremove $ sudo apt-get install -f $ sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/erlang $ cd /usr/local/bin $ sudo rm -f erl $ sudo rm -f erlc $ sudo rm -f epmd $ sudo rm -f run_erl $ sudo rm -f to_erl $ sudo rm -f dialyzer $ sudo rm -f I tend to directly compile the version of Erlang I want on my servers.

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Installing Erlang/OTP on Debian or Ubuntu. Standard Debian and Ubuntu repositories  Download, build and install from erlang-otp , and elixir https:// && sudo dpkg -i  Otherwise, the least problematic approach (by far!) is to head over to the Erlang Solutions site ( and  Install Erlang¶. First, the Erlang programming language needs to be installed. Binaries for  Suggested download from Community Enterprise Operating System Click If you downloaded the R15B03-2 RPM package from Erlang Solutions, then use the  Get download packages for Erlang OTP and Elixir and key resources. For More Info it's +44 (0)207 456 1020 or

Erlang programming language was built for concurrency, fault tolerance, and distributed application architectures. or by posting to the mailing list Erlang/OTP 24 is a new major release with new features, improvements as well as a few incompatibilities. Some of the new You can download and compile Elixir in few steps. The first one is to install Erlang. Next you should download source code (.zip,.tar.gz) of the latest release, unpack it and then run make inside the unpacked directory (note: if you are running on Windows, read this page on setting up your environment for compiling Elixir).