The military of East Turkestan was also among one of the more powerful among Soviet allies, providing the Soviet Union with a real true cushion. The military of East Turkestan had 2.4 million strong, and a … Turkestanas – istorinis regionas Centrinėje Azijoje, kuriame šiandien daugiausių tiurkų tautybių žmonės. Minimas daugelyje senųjų persų ir tiurkų padavimų. Už Turkestaną žymiai didesnė teritorija yra Turanas..

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The military of East Turkestan was also among one of the more powerful among Soviet allies, providing the Soviet Union with a real true cushion. The military of East Turkestan had 2.4 million strong, and a … Turkestanas – istorinis regionas Centrinėje Azijoje, kuriame šiandien daugiausių tiurkų tautybių žmonės. Minimas daugelyje senųjų persų ir tiurkų padavimų. Už Turkestaną žymiai didesnė teritorija yra Turanas.. Turkestane gyvena turkmėnai, uzbekai, kazachai, kirgizai, uigūrai.Kažkada jų protėviai, taip pat chazarai plito po Euraziją, užimdami naujas teritorijas ir het is Oost-Turkestan van Oeigoeren ! en het maakt geen deel uit van China !

7 Mar 2013 STIP (ETIM) is an Islamic based terrorist group that has allegedly been responsible for over 200 terrorist incidents over the last dozen years or so  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_Consulate-General,_Shanghai Oost- Mongolie : Bisdom Jê-ho-erh. Mission and change in Eastern Turkestan :.

'Land of the Turks'), is a historical region in Central Asia corresponding to the regions of Transoxiana and Xinjiang. De vlag van Oost-Turkestan ( Oeigoers: شەرقىي تۈركىستان بايرىقى), ook bekend als Kökbayraq ("De lucht vlag" of "De blauwe vlag"), is sinds 1949 de nationale vlag van het niet-internationaal erkende land Oost-Turkestan.

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The military of East Turkestan was also among one of the more powerful among Soviet allies, providing the Soviet Union with a real true cushion. The military of East Turkestan had 2.4 million strong, and a … 2006-05-25 Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow is the current president of Turkmenistan, only the second in the history of the country since it gained independence with the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. He succeeded Turkmenistan's first president for life, Saparmurat Niyazov, when Niyazov died in 2006 after a reign of 15 years.In the 2007 election Berdimuhamedow received 98% of the country's popular Genghis Khan united some of these nations and created the Mongol Empire in the 1200s. When he died the empire was divided in Khanates where his sons & grandsons ruled.
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Meer dan 43 procent van dit gebied bestaat uit woestijnen en nog eens 40 procent uit bergketens. Oost-Turkestan ligt buiten de logische grens van China, de Chinese Muur. Turkestan, also spelled Turkistan (Persian: ترکستان ‎, romanized: Torkestân, lit. 'Land of the Turks'), is a historical region in Central Asia corresponding to the regions of Transoxiana and Xinjiang.
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China's Post-Jiang Leadership Succession: Problems and Perspectives. World Scientific 2002 ISBN 981270650X 'The USSR and the Establishment of the Eastern Turkestan Republic in Xinjiang', Journal of Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, vol.25, 1996: 337–378. East Turkestan", a term of Russian origin, asserts a continuity with a "West Turkestan" or the now-independent states of Soviet Central Asia. Not all of those states accept the designation of "Turkestan", however; Tajikistan's Persian-speaking population feels more closely aligned with Iran and Afghanistan.

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The Tartarian lands can be at the location of modern Turkestan, Mongolia, China & Russia/Siberia. het is Oost-Turkestan van Oeigoeren ! en het maakt geen deel uit van China ! Formed by: Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgizistan, Uyghirstan, Kazakhstan Formation Requirements The primary difficulty with forming Turkestan is that, other than Uyghirstan, none of the countries that can form it have cores at the beginning of the game. Kazakh cores will come into being sometime (up to 8-10 years) after Nationalism & Imperialism is researched by the country that The Turkestan Wars of Independence were a series of armed rebellions fought by the nations in the Turkestan subcontinent against the Soviet Union. The result was the independence of each rebelling country with international aid.

Not all of those states accept the designation of "Turkestan", however; Tajikistan's Persian-speaking population feels more closely aligned with Iran and Afghanistan. De vlag van Oost-Turkestan (Oeigoers: شەرقىي تۈركىستان بايرىقى), ook bekend als Kökbayraq ("De lucht vlag" of "De blauwe vlag"), is sinds 1949 de nationale vlag van het niet-internationaal erkende land Oost-Turkestan. Turkestan, also spelled Turkistan (Persian: ترکستان ‎, romanized: Torkestân, lit. 'Land of the Turks'), is a historical region in Central Asia corresponding to the regions of Transoxiana and Xinjiang. The Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP) (Arabic: الحزب الإسلامي التركستاني ‎, romanized: al-Ḥizb al-Islāmī al-Turkistānī; Uighur: تۈركىستان ئىسلام پارتىيىسى, Türkistan İslam Partiyisi) or Turkistan Islamic Movement (TIM), formerly known as the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) and other names, is an Islamic extremist organization founded Generalguvernementet Turkestan inrättades år 1867.

Taj se izraz često koristi u mnogim turskim i perzijskim sagama, od kojih ga potonji opisuju kao dio Turana. Turkestan (zastarano zriedkavo: Turkestán, Turkistan; po perzsky ترکستان - v iránskej perzštine: Torkestán/v ranej novoperzštine: Turkistán; v turkických jazykoch Türkistan; doslova: Krajina Turkov) je oblasť v Strednej Ázii, ktorá sa rozprestiera od východného pobrežia Kaspického mora až k vrcholom Hindúkuša, Pamíru a Ťanšanu. Turkestan, prav tako napisan Turkistan (perzijsko: ترکستان, romanizirano: Torkestân, lit. 'dežela Turkov'), se nanaša na zgodovinsko območje v Srednji Aziji med Sibirijo na severu, Iranom, Afganistanom in Tibetom proti jugu, Kaspijskim jezerom proti zahodu in puščavo Gobi proti vzhodu.. Turkestan vključuje današnji Kazahstan, Kirgizistan, Tadžikistan, Turkmenistan, Ujguristan Calathrinan Turkestan is a Governorate of the Calathrinan Empire, spanning Central Asia. With 100 million people, it is the second largest Governorate in terms of both population and land area (second only to Main Calathrina). The terrain ranges from deserts, steppes, flat hills, to forests and large deltas.