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TKM1T 9.29 EUR -0.21%. Baltic Horizon Fund publishes its NAV for October 2020. Net asset value (NAV) of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) unit at end of October 2020 amounted to EUR 1.2009 per unit. Compared to the previous month, NAV per unit decreased by -1.94%.

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Vilnius, Lithuania, 2020-05-11 08:00 CEST -- The net asset value (NAV) of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) unit at end of February 2021 amounted to EUR 1.1416 per unit. Compared to the previous month, NAV per unit decreased by -0.23%. The NAV decrease was mainly affected by distribution to unitholders of EUR 1.3 million. Eliminating dividend distribution, the NAV increase during the month would have been +0.73% compared to the previous … 2020-08-07 2021-02-15 2021-03-15 2021-03-19 2019-03-06 2021-03-22 BALTIC HORIZON FUND (TAL:NHCBHFFT) : Stock quote, stock chart, quotes, analysis, advice, financials and news for share BALTIC HORIZON FUND | TALLINN STOCK EXCHANGE: NHCBHFFT | TALLINN STOCK EXCHANGE BALTIC HORIZON FUND : Forcasts, revenue, earnings, analysts expectations, ratios for BALTIC HORIZON FUND Stock | NHCBHFFT | EE3500110244 Investment propertiesThe Baltic Horizon Fund portfolio consists of 15 cash flow investment properties in the Baltic capitals and an investment property under construction on the Meraki land plot. At the end of 2020, the fair value of the Fund’s portfolio was EUR 340.0 million (31 December 2019: EUR 358.9 million) and incorporated a total net leasable area of 153,345 sq.

Compared to the previous month, NAV per unit decreased by -0.23%. Baltic Horizon Fund declared approx. EUR 1.1 million dividend distribution to investors Tallinn, Vilnius, Riga, Stockholm, 2016-10-12 07:00 CEST -- The management company of a listed commercial real estate fund Baltic Horizon Fund has declared a distribution of 2% to its unitholders.

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OMX_Baltic_Benchmark_GI 1244.41 EUR +1.17%. PTR1L 0.572 EUR -2.05%. PKG1T 0.725 EUR +0.69%.

Baltic Horizon Fund publishes its NAV for October - Aktiespararna

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101 rows Baltic Horizon is the first listed Baltic. REIT investing in. commercial properties About Fund.

Northern Horizon Capital AS as the management company of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) has approved a cash distribution of approx.
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Nasdaq Tallinn AS, Nasdaq Riga AS and AB Nasdaq Vilnius. Baltic Horizon Fund declares quarterly cash distribution of approx.

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284 views284 Ignitis Group shares now listed on the Baltic Main List! Nasdaq announces that the 08.11.2020, Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital NHCB042523A  Compared to the previous month, NAV per unit decreased by -1.94%. The NAV decrease was mainly affected by a declared dividend of EUR 3.1 million  Eliminating dividend distribution, the NAV increase during the month would have been +0.73% compared to the previous month.

Baltic Horizon Fund publishes its NAV for October - Avanza

Management Board of Northern Horizon Capital AS (the Management Company) has approved the unaudited consolidated interim financial statements of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) for the first six DELFI - Nekilnojamojo turto investicinis fondas „Baltic Horizon Fund“, šių metų trečiąjį ketvirtį sugeneravęs 2,68 mln. eurų neaudituoto grynojo pinigų srauto iš operacijų ir ligi šiol The net asset value (NAV) of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) unit at end of February 2021 amounted to EUR 1.1416 per unit. Compared to the previous month, NAV per unit decreased by -0.23%. The NAV decrease was mainly affected by distribution to unitholders of EUR 1.3 million. Eliminating dividend distribution, the NAV increase during the month would have been +0.73% compared to the previous Baltic Horizon EUR 30m EUR unsecured bond issue assigned 'MM3' Mid-Market Evaluation Rating by S&P Global Ratings 24 May: Dividend of EUR 0.024 per unit for Q1 2018 paid out 27 April: 30mln EUR unsecured bond maturing in 5y placed successfully at 4,25% fixed coupon 19 February: Dividend of EUR 0.023 per unit for Q4 2017 paid out 2018 Sep Oct Baltic Horizon fond sai teadupärast alguse Baltic Opportunity Fund’i ja täiendava rahakaasamise teel saadud vahendite liitmisel. See oli börsil noteerimise eel ja on ka seni hästi teada fakt.

August 29, 2019. Baltic Horizon will hold an Investor Conference Webinar to introduce the results of H1 2019 report. August 16, 2019. Baltic Horizon Fund Consolidated Un-Audited Results for H1 2019. August 15, 2019 The net asset value (NAV) of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) unit at end of March 2021 amounted to EUR 1.1460 per unit.